“Measures to improve waste management in the municipalities of Ruse, Tutrakan, Slivo Pole and Vetovo“

Live clean! Recycle!

Live clean! Recycle!
Publication   16:17     27 May, 2022 /     Владимира Иванова   /     247


Conducting a campaign "Live clean! Recycle!" to raise awareness regarding the separate collection and recycling of waste

The aim of the campaign is to create habits of the population in the four municipalities for the separate collection of household waste and to draw attention to the recycling process and the role of people in it. The campaign will raise public awareness of the importance of separate packaging collection, the benefits of recycling and how to do it. Conducting this campaign is a prerequisite for the active participation of the population in the processes of separate collection and recycling, which is a condition for achieving the goals of the project, as well as the EU goals in the field of environmental protection. In order to make the campaign effective, it will be implemented at the local level, thus reaching as close as possible to the people - households, youth and children. Through periodic publications, the population will be informed about the impact of proper waste management, both on nature and on human health. You will receive information about materials that can be recycled, ways to separate them, and about products that are made from recycled materials. The messages that are sent will reflect the specific patterns of consumption and trends in the generation of waste among the population.

Venue: The municipalities of Ruse, Tutrakan, Slivo pole, Vetovo