“Measures to improve waste management in the municipalities of Ruse, Tutrakan, Slivo Pole and Vetovo“

The campaign for free removal of construction waste in Ruse has started

The campaign for free removal of construction waste in Ruse has started
Publication   16:51     09 Aug, 2022 /     Владимира Иванова   /     243


The campaign of the Municipality of Ruse for free removal of construction waste from households has started.

The campaign of the Municipality of Ruse for free removal of construction waste from households has started. It will last until August 21, and for this purpose 15 units are located in the city. Containers, and the places were chosen based on the results of a survey conducted among citizens of Ruse. Only the following can be disposed of in the large blue containers:
- concrete, bricks, roof tiles, tiles, ceramic products;
- wood;
- glass;
- soil;
- stones;
- insulating materials that do not contain asbestos or dangerous substances;
- gypsum-based construction waste that does not contain hazardous waste;
- mixed construction and demolition waste that does not contain mercury and hazardous substances.
Citizens are urged to dispose of only the specified types of construction waste, because if it is mixed with household waste, food, furniture, clothes, aluminum joinery, branches, plant waste and other inappropriate waste, it will not be handed over for recovery and will be taken to a landfill. Two of the locations of the containers have been changed for the convenience of citizens:
 - address: Center, "Hilarion Makariopolski" street (at the back of the former maternity hospital) has been changed to address: gk. "Midiya-Enos", Plovdiv St., behind. bl. "Yordan Marinov";
-address: gk. "Druzhba 3", "Ilinden" street, next to the "Snezhanka" construction site, next to the household waste containers, has been changed to the address: gh. Druzhba 3, Nikola Y. Vaptsarov St. between bl. 11 and bl. 12.
The remaining containers will be found in the following locations:
•housing "Druzhba-1", "Studen Kladenets" st. 12 A, next to block 33;
• housing Druzhba 3, Nikola Y. Vaptsarov St. between bl. 11 and bl. 12;
• housing "Druzhba 3", opposite bl. 47 and bl. 53 – parking lot;
• housing "Charodeyka-sever", "Filip Stanislavov" street, next to bl. 402;
• housing "Charodeyka", "Hristo Botev" Blvd. - green area opposite bl. 118;
• housing "Flower", Aleja Ela No. 3, bl. Angar; 
• housing Vazrazhdane, blv."Rodina" 41 - parking lot, near the back entrance of  RU "Angel  Kanchev"; 
• housing "Vazrazhdane", behind the covered market next to bl. "N. Strelkovsky";
• housing "Zdravets", "Riga" street, opposite bl. "Boryana" - parking lot;
• housing "Zdravets-sever" 1, "Babuna planina" street, in front of bl. Babuna Mountain;
• housing "Midiya-Enos", Plovdiv St., behind. bl. "Yordan Marinov";
• housing "Rodina" 3, the intersection of "Rodina" Blvd. and "Vasil Drumev" St.
• Sq. Yalta, 17 Shtip St 17
• Center, 8 "Bogdan Voivoda" St., on the sides of bl. Flame, (next to household waste containers). You can view all locations on the map.

The campaign is part of the implementation of project No. BGENVIRONMENT-3-002-0005-C02 "Measures to improve waste management in the municipalities of Ruse, Tutrakan, Slivo Pole and Vetovo" under the Program "Environmental Protection and Climate Change, Financial Mechanism of the European economic space 2014-2021", with the program operator the Ministry of Environment and Water.

This document was created within the framework of project BGENVIRONMENT-3.002-0005-C02 "Measures to improve waste management in the municipalities of Ruse, Tutrakan, Slivo Pole and Vetovo", which is implemented with the financial support of the Environmental Protection Program and climate changes'', through the FM of the EEA 2014-2020. All responsibility for the content of the publication is borne by the Municipality of Ruse and under no circumstances can it be considered that this document reflects the official opinion of the Program Operator and/or the Office of The financial mechanism".