“Measures to improve waste management in the municipalities of Ruse, Tutrakan, Slivo Pole and Vetovo“

Ruse Municipality has 15 containers for construction waste in the city

Ruse Municipality has 15 containers for construction waste in the city
Publication   16:25     15 May, 2022 /     Владимира Иванова   /     181


The citizens of Ruse can choose their locations until May 23

The Municipality of Ruse will place 15 containers for construction waste (lift dumpers) in the city. The activities are in implementation of the project "Measures to improve waste management in the municipalities of Ruse, Tutrakan, Slivo Pole and Vetovo" under the Program "Protection of the Environment and Climate Change", a financial mechanism of the European Economic Area 2014-2021, with the program operator the Ministry of Environment and Water.

10 of the new containers will have a capacity of 4 m³, and the remaining 5 with a capacity of 5.5 m³, and will be located in each of the five districts "Vazrazhdane", "Druzhba-Charodeyka", "Zdravets-Rodina" and Central. The Municipality of Ruse provides citizens with the opportunity to choose from among several possible locations for their positioning through a survey, which will be available to citizens until May 23.
The municipality will organize a spring and autumn campaign for free removal of construction waste generated by construction activities and home repairs, and the dates will be announced in advance to citizens of Ruse. 
In addition to containers for construction waste, 5 mobile centers for separate collection of waste will be built in Ruse, and smaller containers for separate collection are already located in the administrative buildings on the territory of the municipality.

This document was created within the framework of project BGENVIRONMENT-3.002-0005-C02 "Measures to improve waste management in the municipalities of Ruse, Tutrakan, Slivo Pole and Vetovo", which is implemented with the financial support of the Environmental Protection Program and climate changes'', through the FM of the EEA 2014-2020. All responsibility for the content of the publication is borne by the Municipality of Ruse and under no circumstances can it be considered that this document reflects the official opinion of the Program Operator and/or the Office of The financial mechanism".